Thursday, June 2, 2011

Personal Responce to Text 2

                The friar’s plan for Juliet is not likely to succeed because of the many flaws and the reliance on others that is in the plan. In the plan the friar presents to Juliet he tells her to take a potion that will her appear to be dead while she is actually just in a deep sleep. The friar tells Juliet that the potion will last for 42 hours and that when she wakes Romeo will be there to take her to Mantua. This is one of the main flaws of the friar’s plan, he’s relying on someone else to give the news to Romeo instead of doing it himself, which would ensure that Romeo knows of the plan. Friar Lawrence entrusts the job of sharing the plan with Romeo to Friar John whose is unable to complete the task because he is quarantined in the house of someone who is suspected to have the plague. Another unforeseen event is that the intended wedding for Juliet and Paris had been moved up a day. This means that Romeo will have even less time to come to Verona and be informed of the plan. Balthasar brings the news of Juliet’s death to Romeo and Romeo unaware of the plan and the fact that Juliet is not actually dead decides to “lie” with her. All of these were unforeseen consequences of the friar’s plan but from the beginning it was unlikely that the plan would succeed because there were so many variables.


This assignment seemed pretty easy to do because it was your opinion about what Juliet did and what you would do differently. It was an assignment where you could be honest and state your opinion and i liked that part of the assignment.

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